A set of checkable buttons—known as radio buttons—where no more than one of the buttons can be checked at a time.
ShadRadioGroup<String>( items: [ ShadRadio( label: Text('Default'), value: 'default', ), ShadRadio( label: Text('Comfortable'), value: 'comfortable', ), ShadRadio( label: Text('Nothing'), value: 'nothing', ), ],),
enum NotifyAbout { all, mentions, nothing;
String get message { return switch (this) { all => 'All new messages', mentions => 'Direct messages and mentions', nothing => 'Nothing', }; }}
ShadRadioGroupFormField<NotifyAbout>( label: const Text('Notify me about'), items: (e) => ShadRadio( value: e, label: Text(e.message), ), ), validator: (v) { if (v == null) { return 'You need to select a notification type.'; } return null; },),