A succinct message that is displayed temporarily.
ShadButton.outline( child: const Text('Add to calendar'), onPressed: () { ShadToaster.of(context).show( ShadToast( title: const Text('Scheduled: Catch up'), description: const Text('Friday, February 10, 2023 at 5:57 PM'), action: ShadButton.outline( child: const Text('Undo'), onPressed: () => ShadToaster.of(context).hide(), ), ), ); },),
ShadButton.outline( child: const Text('Show Toast'), onPressed: () { ShadToaster.of(context).show( const ShadToast( description: Text('Your message has been sent.'), ), ); },),
With Title
ShadButton.outline( child: const Text('Show Toast'), onPressed: () { ShadToaster.of(context).show( const ShadToast( title: Text('Uh oh! Something went wrong'), description: Text('There was a problem with your request'), ), ); },),
With Action
ShadButton.outline( child: const Text('Show Toast'), onPressed: () { ShadToaster.of(context).show( ShadToast( title: const Text('Uh oh! Something went wrong'), description: const Text('There was a problem with your request'), action: ShadButton.outline( child: const Text('Try again'), onPressed: () => ShadToaster.of(context).hide(), ), ), ); },),
final theme = ShadTheme.of(context);
ShadButton.outline( child: const Text('Show Toast'), onPressed: () { ShadToaster.of(context).show( ShadToast.destructive( title: const Text('Uh oh! Something went wrong'), description: const Text('There was a problem with your request'), action: ShadButton.destructive( child: const Text('Try again'), decoration: ShadDecoration( border: ShadBorder.all( color: theme.colorScheme.destructiveForeground, width: 1, ), ), onPressed: () => ShadToaster.of(context).hide(), ), ), ); },),