In shadcn_ui the responsiveness is an important part of the library.
The ShadTheme
supports a customizable set of breakpoints.
ShadThemeData( breakpoints: ShadBreakpoints( tn: 0, // tiny sm: 640, // small md: 768, // medium lg: 1024, // large xl: 1280, // extra large xxl: 1536, // extra extra large ),);
Current breakpoint
To get the current breakpoint you can use ShadResponsiveBuilder
or context.breakpoint
, eg:
ShadResponsiveBuilder( builder: (context, breakpoint) { final sm = breakpoint >= ShadTheme.of(context); ... },),
which is equivalent to:
final sm = context.breakpoint >= ShadTheme.of(context);
In Tailwind CSS, it’s common to say that sm is not for small screens, but will target also the largest sizes if you don’t provide a larger breakpoint.
That’s why I’m using the >=
If you just want to check if you’re in a specific breakpoint, use the ==
Sealed class
The breakpoint returned is a sealed class so you can switch any size.
ShadResponsiveBuilder( builder: (context, breakpoint) { return switch (breakpoint) { ShadBreakpointTN() => const Text('Tiny'), ShadBreakpointSM() => const Text('Small'), ShadBreakpointMD() => const Text('Medium'), ShadBreakpointLG() => const Text('Large'), ShadBreakpointXL() => const Text('Extra Large'), ShadBreakpointXXL() => const Text('Extra Extra Large'), }; },),